We live in an age of wonders, with copious information easily available just a few keystrokes away. I listed some helpful websites below to start. Just click on a topic and it should take you there. If for any reason a link fails, simply search the keywords to find what you are looking for.
Crisis Resources
Suicide Prevention Line
Poison Control Center
Community Resources
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
National Association for the Mentally Ill
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Rational Recovery
Center for Clinical Interventions, Western Australia
Harm Reduction Center
ALLIANCE Health Project
Stonewall Project
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Trevor Project
Black Dog Institute
SFPRG [San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group]
Professional Associations
American Psychological Association
American Psychiatric Association
National Association of Social Workers
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Gay and Lesbian Therapist Association of San Francisco